Direction Banner Sourcing


Leverage technology to keep pace with the changing trends within the Sourcing Industry


The Sourcing industry has evolved over the years and has seen a significant shift due to various technological advancements. At each stage, right from procurement to garment production, distribution, and sales, sourcing companies need IT solutions.

We at Direction understand this and offer solutions that cover the entire spectrum of the Sourcing industry – from production to manufacturing to distribution and retail.

Technological Challenges faced by our clients from the Sourcing Industry
  • Multiple Data silos across different departments
  • Different departments using different systems with limited or no compatibility
  • Disappointing user experience on Website and hence less traffic
  • Use of Legacy systems
Solutions offered by Direction Software
  • Create a customised business-wide solution resulting in seamless data flow
  • Consolidation of systems and upgrading to platform independent technology
  • Revamp existing website to make it faster and responsive, with user-friendly interface
  • Support or migrate or re-platform Legacy systems as per case-by-case basis
  • Better data access & improved data accuracy
  • Increased customer satisfaction levels
  • Increase in website sales & better RoI
  • Improved Employee Productivity

Some of our Sourcing Industry clients

bonprix GmbH
Cotton Made in Africa
Logo Otto Versand

Sourcing Testimonials

So many success stories…
Here are just a few testimonials from some of our satisfied customers. We could not fit them all on this page please CLICK HERE to see more…

Direction Client - Bonprix

We write mails if things are not running smooth but at least we are also writing them if things run fine. This is a mail of the second kind 🙂 The latest version was almost 100% perfect, thanks a lot for adjusting processes and testing that quickly! Many Thanks!


Kai Schmidt – EM – PS

Logo Otto Versand

Many thanks to you and your team for the good cooperation with Otto IT in the last one and a half years. I hope we will continue the good team work also for the enhancement part.


Martin Fritz – Project Manager